Wednesday, November 23, 2011



Sunday, November 13, 2011





Thursday, October 20, 2011



Tuesday, October 4, 2011










Monday, October 3, 2011


I really cant take it! I am stressed until i cant sleep well! I am sick of work! I am sick of facing you!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011






生日之旅- 台湾

今天超开心,因为终于可以实现愿望了!!!一直以来都很想去台湾走走看看。以前就被前夫骗说会带我去,结果都无法实现。今年头,我告诉自己,今年的生日,我一定要去台湾旅行。我吃到这么大,都没出过国,除了新加坡。这趟旅行总共是6天,1/11/2011 到7/11/2011 (生日)才回。想到这次的生日能和同一天生日的他和我及朋友们一起过,真得很特别。好期待哦!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011





Wednesday, September 21, 2011



Sunday, September 18, 2011

16/09/2011 - 18/09/2011

这个假期过得还蛮开心的。带了孩子去师父那里拜拜,然后去海边走走。迎面而来的海风出得让我想再去度假。小瓜看见快艇和香蕉船,开心的不得了。还帮我拍照呢。。。。只是他害怕海浪会把我卷走,一直不让我靠近海边。哈哈!!!更好笑的是,他在车上睡觉,可能姿势不对吧!所以脚麻痹。他哭着跟我讲,:" 妈咪!!!我的脚断了!!!"吓死我!后来才知道他是脚麻痹。这小瓜真的是!!现在回想起来真得很好笑!!!哈哈!这次去玩花不多钱啦!可能是我省省用吧!吃喝都随便一点咯!希望下次能去海边野餐。。。。。。。

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Balik kampong...oh oh oh....balik kampong...今天放工后就回家乡了看孩子去了。。。虽然和家人闹到有点不愉快,可是孩子还是要看的。。。就想说先忍一忍,等有能力了,就可以不用靠他们了。。。看到宝贝女儿,可能就能把一切都暂时忘记吧!!!昨晚总共收了4大袋东西。一袋是宝贝的奶粉啊!吃的用的玩的!一袋是为他准备让他带去我家的水果。一袋是我的衣物。一袋是蛋糕,巧克力,果冻。。。每次他们来或者我回去都是得花一大笔钱。有苦自己吃。。。。。

Sunday, September 11, 2011



Saturday, September 10, 2011


今天的心情超烂!当下真得很想去跳楼!今晚打电话回家,我妈竟然跟我追讨房租。由于这个月他们下来蛮多天的,当然我的花费也不少,再加上车又坏,修了三百块。我已经告诉爸,我这个月不够钱花,给不到房租妈。我每个月要给四百块我妈当房租。可笑吧!孩子住妈妈的家还要给房租。我就告诉她,我这个月修车,给不到她。她就讲一大堆,把以前我结婚给我的红包都拿出来讲。我真得很怕他们帮我!她就一样一样的跟我算。我一个女人,赚不多,要供车,还卡债,养孩子。。。她还是看到钱就是孩子,没有钱就什么都不是!现在到底孩子重要,还是钱重要?你和你的宝贝儿子还不是一样!都是想逼死我!家人不是在你有难的时候会出来帮忙的吗?为什么我的所谓家人会这样对我的?为什么??? 是不是逼死了我,你们就开心呢? 我真的好累!为什么老公这样伤害我,连家人也这样对我呢?到底我做错了什么???错在我没有钱!!那我去死,那你们就以拿到保险金,将你们就有钱了咯!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


今天不是很想工作,因为星期五了,假日木了!只想快快回家,然后梳洗完毕,就出去逛街买东西。想买些菜回家煮,把自己变成宅女两天。呵呵。。。以前刚一个人出来工作,最喜欢就是出粮的那天,因为晚上我就会马上去吃日本餐,然后买多多的干粮食物吨在家。只要家里有吃的,我都不会出门, 要省钱嘛!现在的好久没有这样了。我像这样应该能存到钱吧。。。其实我很怀念那时的生活,没有负债,虽然薪水不多,可是日子过得很充实,很开心。。。反而现在,想要过得像以前酱都不能了。。。。可是我仍然相信,以后的日子会更好!!!朋友们,我们一起加油吧!!!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011





Monday, September 5, 2011




昨天,去了新加坡走走逛逛,真得很开心哦!我还买了三只手表,一个包包(晚宴用的),还有一堆水果,巧克力。。。在那里的水果都好大粒,而且蛮便宜新鲜的。买了四粒大雪梨,才新币3.98, 五粒大苹果新币2.59, 三粒大橙新币1.89。雪梨和苹果是买来炖甜汤喝的。还有两片有酒味的巧克力新币10.90。以后有空去新加坡逛逛也不错。买到自己开心的,满意的,就好啦!很久没有买到酱开心了。昨晚回到家,就马上去炖甜汤了,待会回家就能喝到冰冰凉凉的甜汤了。也能拿来送礼。。。哈哈!拿给他家人喝。。。放工回家,炒个饭,吃个橙,喝甜汤,再吃个酒心巧克力。哇!几写意一下。。。这个月希望可以多省一点钱,因为我又计划出岛啦!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


放长假回来了。。。今天差点起不来上班,因为长假的这几天我都睡到自然醒。无奈。。还是得 乖乖的爬起来上班。。。这几天的假期有开心,当然也有不开心的。。。但是人是要感到知足 。。好好坏坏还是得过,还是得接受。。。原本的计划是去海边和马六甲玩,可是结果事不如
人为,取消了。但是还好有到处去逛街买东西,吃东西。。。最不开心的事收到那个贱人的讯息 说要看孩子。我真的不明白为什么平时他不会讲要看孩子?偏偏每次假日一到才讲要看孩子?是 他自己要看的吗?我觉得不是咯!是因为假日,他会回去他老妈家,他妈会问。。。贱男人!!! 你没有拿过钱养孩子,你凭什么看他?这两年的生活里,你有顾虑到我们的死活吗?你有想过, 有问过,我们这两年里是怎样过吗?你只知道自己开心,和外面的女人到处去吃喝玩乐! 贱男
人!!我告诉你!你最好离我们远一点!离婚的时候,我情愿选择不拿你一毛钱,就是不愿让女 儿知道她有个酱贱的老爸。现在我更加不会拿你任何一毛钱!孩子,我自己会好好把她养大,请 你高抬贵手,不要来打扰我们的生活!你和你家人的死活,跟我们一点关系也没有。。。我们也 没有兴趣知道!!!你老妈要看孙子,你就和外头的女人生给她看吧!你没有养女儿,当你老妈 想要看她,我就必须给她看,哪有这么便宜啊?

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Yeah!!! My long holiday is coming and my lovely baby is on the way now. I have been waiting for this long holiday for long time. Finally it's come true. Yesterday i received a sample of handmade soap from a blogger here. Damn happy coz at last i found those soap really handmade and without chemical. I cut it into four pieces, one for my baby, one for my mum, one for my sis and one for myself. If all of us try and have good respond, i will order more from this blogger. Dont know why when i received something that netfriends sent to me, i will feel very warm and happy. Today when i come to work, i was thinking of my little baby. Last night, i called and talked to her, she told me she want to bring her school bag and put all the colour pencils, colouring books , handwriting book inside. Then she asked me, Mummy, can i bring along the new barbie doll which grandma bought? I want to show you ler...Can??? Very nice de wor...
Got 2 combs, got dresses to change..Can mah??? Wa ha ha...I said, sure can la...From a small baby until now 3 1/2 years old, she can speaks like an adult now. Maybe she knew what had happen in our family and she learn to be mature than others children. When she saw me very angry, she will asked me not to angry, persuade me to cool down. I am very lucky to have a baby like her. My lovely Ning Ning, mummy love you!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My first book keeping in life

Last night i read one of the book which i bought last week. The name is My First Book Keeping in Life. The writer teach woman on how to save money and control expenses. Thats really a good book! Started from this coming month, i will follow and learn. I will write down all the expenses and income, do a reconcilation. Let see where can i save more money, which part of expenses i should cut down. Now i will save RM 5 for one lunch or one dinner that i took without using my own money, i hope from there i could save some money every month. At the same time, when i have any cyiling, i will save up for my child. Then both of us got saving everty month. Sounds good, right? Haha.....Since i was alone with my child, i need to plan for our own life. I am thinking of doing part time, but what job can i looks for? Actually i would like to try online selling, but now i have no pc. If i need to do online selling, then i need to buy a new pc. Ai....Like chinese said,
got money everything can do.if no money,can do nothing! I think i need to pray hard hard, hope
this year still got bonus la... If not, CNY need to buy nes clothes, ang pao... This coming new year, i hope can visit somewhere with my child.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Yesterday i have bought 4 books for my own. One is RM 18.00 less 10 % and another 3 books are RM 8/pc. ( Special offer). I have long time didnt buy any books coz i feel that its expensive and wasting. But now i have change my mind, I think we need to read more books and gain more
knowledge to upgrade ourselves. Even this 4 books cost me RM 40.20, but i think its worth. I can spend my free time and reading at home instead of hanging around in the shopping mall. The first good point is gain knowledge, another good point is to save money. My daughter will come to JB by next week, hence i need to save more money, coz when they come, i have to spend alot of money for eating, shopping...etc. I have long time didnt do anything for myself. Before i get married, whatever i did is for my family; After i get married, everything i did is for my husband;
After divorced, everything i did is just for my child. Now i just feel like doing something just for myself. At least buy something that i really wish to. I hope this weekend, i can spend my alone time to read my books, having good lunch and nice dinner by cooking by myself....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Before and after

I believe majority of the guys are the same! Before they get you, they will do whatever that you unexpected. Stick with you everyday. But once you become their gf or wife, everything will change. They started to be lazy to do anything or meet with you. That's why i prefer to be single, but i am not alone coz i still have my lovely daughter with me. I am very enjoy to be with her. Shopping together, high tea together, lunch and dinner together, even shower together. Haha....
My lovely baby, i am waiting for the long holiday on this coming month end. I have planning alot of things to share with you. We go to A ' Famosa, Malacca, Desaru sea side, shopping....Woo hoo...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


My feeling is very stress....I am busy with my work, putting all the effort to perform, but at last my boss didnt appreciate and said i am not doing my job. I am busy thinking of my financial turnover, hope that i able to bring my child back to my side ASAP, but at last its hard for me to
do that. I am packed! I need a holiday to relax my mind! If all those pressure keep pushing me, i really going to be crazy soon. I thought i am having sleep walking last night, maybe i am too tired and too stress! I staying alone here. When i awake this morning, i found out that my back door is open! Every night before i sleep, i will close all the doors. But i really cant remember whether i got stay awake last night? Then i guess maybe i was sleep walking. I think i really need a holiday..... Go to sea side maybe...

Handmade soap

Dear all my friends, who got sell those handmade soap? I want to buy!

Monday, August 15, 2011


This few days keep thinking about my future life. I am planning to bring child back to my side by next year, but unfortunately i am not afford to do so. I have a heavy burden, need to pay for my car loan, house rental, credit cards debts,.....etc. I was thinking of how to turnover and cut down my burden. Its really not easy for me as a single parent. But i know, since i have choosen this way, i need to stay firm and ve brave to walk through this way without looking back. Friends, please give me some idea.....

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Good Luck, my friend

Dear friend, i really proud of you. I know you will hand your resign letter to boss today. I also thinking of the day which i am the one who handling resign letter. The enviroment, attitude and benefit become worse and worse. As we are still not at that level yet, but you assume that our level is more than that, this make us feel stressed! Everytime you asked us to share the idea, plan and explaination with you, but everytime you would not accept our idea, plan and feel that our explaination is EXCUSES! Yes! Whatever you think is correct, you are the one who thinking the best things, all of us are stupid! Just because of this, you have forced alot of them resigned!
My friend, i know you are the one who facing the same problem. So that, when i knew you are
going to resign, i feel happy to you. I wish you all the best and good luck!

Friday, August 12, 2011


Yes, i know recently i always late to the office, but i also work late. I can even work more than my work scope without claim, subsidiary, appreciated! I am not the only one who is always late to the offie, then why only I get scolded? It's really unfair! From now on, i will come to work punctually and sure i will go back sharp sharp. Since i joined this company, i never go back punctually, but what do i get? Get nothing! No one will appreciate you at all! Even though those things are out of my work scope, but i still try my best to handle it, settle it! I am bored of this job! i am fed up on YOU!

Sunday, July 24, 2011






你能自我反省一下吗? 你有钱买名牌,贴女人,为什么就拿不出钱来买孩子的奶粉?你这一辈子都


Saturday, June 18, 2011

